Friday, January 30, 2009


This is just a quick post to say hello and to say that I haven't forgotten about my blog! I think of posting nearly every day but get hung up on getting photos prepped. So, no photos this time :)

We've been a little under the weather here at the yippeevintage household so things are moving slow around here. My sweetie has been home for about a week and 1/2 with what turned out to be pneumonia but he is doing fine now. Before that he had a dislocated rib that was making him miserable. The doc said it was probably caused by a vigorous sneeze ~ ouch! Thankfully, I just got a bad cold that kept me down and out for a few days and I'm starting to feel better too. Luckily, we weren't ill at the same time... just a slight overlap.

Anyway... how's that for a ray of sunshine! lol

I always feel invigorated when I start feeling better after feeling crummy for a while. It reminds me that feeling good is, well, good... and I should use my time and energy to do the things I love to do :)

With that said, I'm off to do something fun!


Tiedupmemories said...

Hello! I'm so glad to hear you and your hubby are feeling better!Pneumonia is a scary thing!I voted yes for music. I think it reflects your personality and if they don't like the music they can turn it down:.)

Lori said...

Angela, i am glad that you are all on the mend over there, sorry you have been sick though...i voted no for the music...but it is your blog, you should do what you want...i always have my speakers off anyway unless someone has a video posted...have a great weekend!!!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Hi Angela! My goodness, you two have had a rought time lately!! I am so glad that you are both feeling better!! As far as the music goes I think that it's your choice. Anyone who doesn't like the music that is playing can turn off their speakers. Hope you and hubby have a great weekend!!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

OOOOOuch! dislocated from a vigorous sneeze? I am cringing! I'm so sorry to hear that you both have been under the weather (I can relate, I just got done with a pretty nasty flu that took me out for a couple weeks) But glad to hear you are on the mend! Enjoy yourself!

Oh, and I voted YES on the music...I really enjoy listening to music when I'm blog hopping, and I think it really helps to get a feel for a person's personality!

Smiles, Karen

Cottage In The Sun said...

I was so happy to find your post today and your blog! Love your stories! My old cottage is now blue - picture the garage door in blue and tan checks - what was he thinking?

Anonymous said...

Angela - so glad you are feeling better. Hope you continue to improve.


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